Convert Avro to SQLite

Upload your Avro file to convert to SQLite - paste a link or drag and drop. Free for files up to 5MB, no account needed.

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Avro is a row-based data serialization system developed within Apache's Hadoop project. It provides rich data structures and a compact, fast binary data format.

Technical Details

Avro uses JSON for defining data schemas, which are stored with the data. This enables schema evolution while maintaining compatibility. The data itself is stored in a compact binary format.


  • Compact binary serialization
  • Schema definition included with the data
  • Support for schema evolution
  • Dynamic typing and code generation


  • Not human-readable without special tools
  • Less widely supported than formats like JSON or CSV
  • More complex to implement than simpler formats
  • Less efficient for columnar queries than Parquet


SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, highly reliable, full-featured, SQL database engine.

It's the most used database engine in the world, embedded in many applications. SQLite is serverless and needs no configuration, making it ideal for local/client storage in application software.

Common Use Cases

Data Interoperability

Convert Avro to SQLite to work with systems that support different formats.

Data Integration

Transform Avro data into SQLite for seamless integration with other tools and workflows.

Common Questions

Convert Avro to Other Formats