Convert JSON to TXT

Add your JSON data and automatically convert it to TXT.

JSON input options
TXT output options


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

JSON has become the de facto standard for data exchange on the web, and it is widely used in APIs.

Character encoding

As stated by the RFC 8259, we expect strings in uploaded JSON files to be encoded in UTF-8.

If your file contains non UTF-8 characters, you might get an error when parsing your data.


TXT (Text) is a simple, plain text file format that contains unformatted text.

Key features of TXT files include:

  • Universal compatibility across all operating systems and devices
  • Lightweight and easy to create, edit, and read
  • No formatting or styling, just pure text content
  • Can be opened and edited with any text editor

TXT files are commonly used for:

  • Simple note-taking and quick memos
  • Creating readme files for software projects
  • Storing configuration information
  • Exchanging raw data between different systems

While TXT files lack advanced formatting options, their simplicity makes them ideal for situations where plain text is sufficient and file size needs to be minimal.

Convert JSON