Convert TSV to MySQL

Add your TSV data and automatically convert it to a MySQL (.sql) file for importing.

Add your data to get started

No conversion done yet

You can also use the API to convert data, check out the documentation to learn more.

curl -X POST \
	-H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}" \
	-d "input[file]=@myfile.csv" \
	-d "input[format]=csv" \
	-d "input[options][delimiter]=\t" \
	-d "input[options][has_headers]=true" \
	-d "output[format]=sql" \
	-d "output[options][create_table]=true" \
	-d "output[options][syntax]=mysql" \
	-d "output[options][table_name]=mytable"


TSV stands for Tab Separated Values and is a plain-text file format that stores tabular data. TSVs are widely used to represent any kinds data for it's simplicity and ease of parsing.

TSV data looks exactly the same as CSV, the only difference is the use of tabs instead of commas as value separators.


MySQL is a free and open source relational database management system developed by Oracle that fully implements the SQL standard. It is used in many large-scale websites like Google.

Frequently asked questions

What is the monthly data volume?

The monthly data volume is the total size of all the files uploaded over the course of the month. It resets every month.

For example, if you upload a 1GB file and a 2GB file, your monthly data volume will be 3GB.

If you upload a 1GB file and then delete it, your monthly data volume will still be 1GB.

How does the file size limit work?

The file size limit is the maximum size of a single file you can upload.

What is a AI query?

A query is when you use the data viewer to query a file with natural language (AI).

How do I change my plan?

You can change your plan any time by going to the pricing page and selecting a new plan. If you're in the middle of a billing cycle and you change to a more expensive plan, the subscription price will be prorated automatically.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Go to your account page and find the Billing section, there you can downgrade to the Free plan. Your plan will be cancelled immediately and you won't be charged again.

How secure is your service?

We pride ourselves in building software that's easy to use, but security is also our top priority.

We understand that some data uploaded might be sensitive, so we ensure that your data is only kept when needed.

We follow widely accepted industry standard practices when it comes to security:

  • HTTPS is enforced for all communications with our server
  • We enforce a strict access policy and employees or external collaborators never have access to user data
  • All data is always encrypted at rest
  • All data uploaded for conversion is automatically deleted forever 24 hours after being uploaded.
  • Once you delete a file, it is deleted forever, we do not archive your data

We allow time before auto deleting files just in case you're not done with the data, if you're done with viewing or converting a file and want to delete it right away, you can do it yourself through the API. We will be implementing this functionality in the web app soon.

Note that all files files uploaded without an account are acessible by a unique URL that is hidden but accesible by anyone, so we recommend you to sign up with an account if you want your files to be private, only your account will be able to access your files.

Do you provide an API for converting files?

You can upload files, queue and check the progress of conversion jobs with our API. Check out the API documentation for more detail.

Do you offer a trial?

We don't offer a trial plan at the moment.

You can test our tools with a subset of your data with the Free plan then upgrade if you like it.

Where do I get my API key?

You'll get an API key when you sign up, find it in your account page.

Do you have any SDKs for your API?

Unfortunately, we don't have any language specific SDKs yet, so you'll have to use a standard HTTP client for it.

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