Convert W-2 Form to NDJSON

Upload your W-2 Form file to convert to NDJSON - paste a link or drag and drop. Free for files up to 5MB, no account needed.

W-2 Form

The W2 Form, or Wage and Tax Statement, is a crucial document that shows how much an employee earned in a year and how much tax was taken out of their paycheck. Our system can pull structured data from W2 forms whether they are PDFs or scanned images.

We can extract these main parts:

  • Employee name and Social Security Number
  • Employer name, address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Wages, tips, and other pay
  • Federal income tax withheld
  • Social security wages and tax withheld
  • Medicare wages and tax withheld
  • State and local income tax info
  • Tax year

This is really helpful for:

  • Processing and checking payroll
  • Preparing and filing taxes
  • Keeping employee records
  • Auditing and making sure rules are followed

By pulling data from W2 forms, you can make tax preparation easier, ensure accurate reporting to tax authorities, and easily add employee wage info to various HR and financial systems.


NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) is a format where each line is a valid JSON object, making it easier to process large datasets sequentially.

Technical Details

Each line in an NDJSON file is a complete, self-contained JSON object ended by a newline character. This allows for streaming processing without loading the entire file into memory.


  • Streaming-friendly for large datasets
  • Easy to append new records
  • Each record can be processed independently
  • Simpler to parse than JSON arrays for large datasets


  • No support for cross-record references
  • Less widely supported than standard JSON
  • Each line must be a complete JSON object
  • Not suitable for deeply nested relationships

Common Use Cases

Data Interoperability

Convert W-2 Form to NDJSON to work with systems that support different formats.

Data Integration

Transform W-2 Form data into NDJSON for seamless integration with other tools and workflows.

Common Questions

Convert W-2 Form to Other Formats