Converting files

Conversions are made by calling the following endpoint:

You can specify input data via three sources:

  • File upload: Upload local files directly to the API. Ideal for large datasets or binary files, compatible with various formats.
  • URL: Provide input data via a URL. Processes data hosted online, allowing the API to fetch and convert data directly from web servers without local file storage.
  • Inline data or base64: For direct input, provide plain-text data, base64 encoding. Ideal for including binary formats (like PDF or Excel) when sending the request as JSON.

Conversion Options

When converting files, you have several options to customize the process. Here are some key parameters you can use:

Input Options

See all available formats and their options here.

  • input[format]: Specify the format of the input file (e.g., json, csv, avro)
  • input[file]: Used for file uploads
  • input[http][url]: Used when providing a URL for the input data
  • input[options]: Additional options specific to the input format (e.g., delimiter for CSV, flatten_objects for JSON)

Output Options

See all available formats and their options here.

  • output[format]: Specify the desired output format (e.g., csv, sql, parquet)
  • output[options]: Additional options for the output format (e.g., delimiter for CSV, create_table and syntax for SQL)

General Options

  • sync: Set to "true" for synchronous conversion