Convert CSV to TXT

Transform your CSV data to TXT effortlessly. Just upload your data and let us do the rest.

CSV input options
TXT output options


Comma-separated values (CSV) is a simple and widely used format for storing tabular data. It is human-readable and easy to generate and parse.

Row delimiter

The row delimiter is the character used to separate each row in the CSV data. This is usually a new line character (LF), or a carriage return plus a new line character (CRLF).

We will automatically detect this and parse the rows correctly.

Value separator

The value separator is the character used to separate each value inside a row.

For CSV files, as the name implies it is usually a comma, but it can be different depending on the software used to generate the CSV file, we support the following separators:

  • Comma ,
  • Tab \t
  • Pipe |
  • Hash #
  • Semicolon ;

Character encoding

Depending on what software you used to generate the CSV file, it might have a different character encoding

If no character encoding is specified we will automatically try to guess it, so you don't have to worry about it if you're unsure.


TXT (Text) is a simple, plain text file format that contains unformatted text.

Key features of TXT files include:

  • Universal compatibility across all operating systems and devices
  • Lightweight and easy to create, edit, and read
  • No formatting or styling, just pure text content
  • Can be opened and edited with any text editor

TXT files are commonly used for:

  • Simple note-taking and quick memos
  • Creating readme files for software projects
  • Storing configuration information
  • Exchanging raw data between different systems

While TXT files lack advanced formatting options, their simplicity makes them ideal for situations where plain text is sufficient and file size needs to be minimal.

Convert CSV