Convert Parquet to TSV

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Parquet is a columnar storage file format designed for efficiency with big data processing frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Spark.

Technical Details

Parquet organizes data by columns rather than rows, which enables better compression and more efficient queries for analytical workloads. It supports nested data structures and is optimized for handling complex data.


  • Highly efficient columnar storage and compression
  • Excellent query performance for analytical workloads
  • Support for nested data structures
  • Schema evolution capabilities


  • Not human-readable like CSV or JSON
  • Less suitable for row-oriented operations
  • Requires specialized tools for viewing and editing
  • More complex than simpler formats

Tab-separated values (TSV) is another simple and widely used format for storing tabular data. Like CSV, it's easy to read and create.

Row delimiter

The row delimiter in TSV data is usually a new line character (LF) or a carriage return plus a new line character (CRLF).

We'll automatically detect and parse the rows correctly, so you don't need to worry about it.

Value separator

In TSV files, the value separator is typically a tab character, but it can vary depending on the software used to create the file.

Character encoding

The character encoding of your TSV file might differ based on the software you used to create it.

If you're not sure about the character encoding, don't worry. We'll try to guess it automatically if it's not specified.

Common Use Cases

Data Interoperability

Convert Parquet to TSV to work with systems that support different formats.

Data Integration

Transform Parquet data into TSV for seamless integration with other tools and workflows.

Common Questions

Convert Parquet to Other Formats